Reference Manual

Detailed Description

The Rulbus Device Class Library contains two groups of classes:

When you want to use a specific Rulbus module, look up its documentation page by Rulbus number in the Contents pane at the left, for example Modules | Reference Manual | RB8510 12-bit DAC for the dual 12-bit DAC and read the documentation for the module and its class(es).


 dual parallel interface (PIA/VIA).

 sense interrupt flag unit (BF).

RB8509 12-bit ADC
 8-channel 12-bit ADC (RB8509).

RB8510 12-bit DAC
 dual 12-bit DAC (RB8510).

RB8513 Timebase
 programmable timebase.

RB8514 Time Delay
 programmable time delay.

RB8515 Clock for Time Delay
 clock for delay module RB8514.

RB8905 12-bit ADC
 high speed 12-bit ADC (BF).

RB9005 Instrumentation Amplifier
 programmable instrumentation amplifier for RB8905 12-bit ADC (BF).

RB9603 Monochromator Controller
 monochromator controller (BF).

 PIA/VIA base for RB8506 and Sifu.

Generated on Tue Oct 12 14:12:01 2004 for Rulbus Device Class Library for Microsoft Windows by doxygen 1.3.4