RulbusInterfaceFactory Class Reference
[Rulbus Interface]

#include <RulbusInterfaceFactory.h>

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class RulbusDevice delegates creation of the Rulbus Interface object to this class, member createInterface().

Class RulbusInterfaceFactory determines the type of interface to create from the presence and contents of the RULBUS environment variable.

If the rulbus environment variable does not exist, createInterface() creates an EppRulbusInterface at parallel port address EppRulbusInterface::DEF_EPP_BASE.

If the rulbus environment variable does exist, createInterface() interpretes it as follows:

   rulbus         : interface-name ','?
                  | interface-name ',' base-address?
                  | interface-name ',' base-address ';' nocheck?

   interface-name : isa
                  | epp

   isa            : [iI][sS][aA]   # 'ISA', case insensitive

   epp            : [eE][pP][pP]   # 'EPP', case insensitive

   base-address   : dec-number
                  | hex-number

   dec-number     : [0-9]+

   hex-number     : hex-prefix [0-9a-fA-F]+

   hex-prefix     : '0' [xX]

   nocheck        : 'nocheck'
                  | {other than 'check'}

Examples of valid entries as set in the command interpreter are:

Static Public Member Functions

TheRulbusInterfacePtr createInterface ()
 create the Rulbus Interface based on the information from the rulbus environment variable.

Protected Member Functions

 RulbusInterfaceFactory ()
 prevent instantiation

 RulbusInterfaceFactory (RulbusInterfaceFactoryCref)
 prevent copying

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Oct 12 14:12:05 2004 for Rulbus Device Class Library for Microsoft Windows by doxygen 1.3.4