
Detailed Description

This module describes the classes and supporting macro's used to catch programming errors.

The following rules form a method to prevent such errors:

For example:

 double sqrt( double x )
    require( x >= 0 );        // precondition: x may not be negative

    double result = ... ;
                              // postcondition: check result value
    ensure ( abs( x - result * result ) <= DBL_EPSILON );
    return result;

This method is known as design-by-contract. For more information, see [DBC]

Checking of preconditions and postconditions may be included or excluded from the source independendly. See DEBUG.


class  Assertion
 base for design-by-contract assert exception. More...

class  DbcException
 design-by-contract exception. More...


#define LOCATION   __FILE__, __LINE__
 (file,linenumber) tuple used by require() and ensure() macros.

#define require(exp)
 require expression to be true, otherwise throw DbcException(REQUIRE).

#define require_e(exp)
 require expression to be true, otherwise throw specified exception.

#define ensure(exp)
 ensure expression to be true, otherwise throw DbcException(ENSURE).

#define ensure_e(exp, ecxpt)
 ensure expression to be true, otherwise throw specified exception.

 may not get here: throw DbcException(NEVER_GET_HERE).

#define BASE_INVARIANT(base)   base::invariant()
 execute base class invariant.


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, Rulbus::StdExceptionCref rhs)
 write exception to stream.

Generated on Tue Oct 12 14:12:03 2004 for Rulbus Device Class Library for Microsoft Windows by doxygen 1.3.4