Rulbus Namespace Reference


class  AssertException
 design-by-contract general assertion. More...

class  Assertion
 base for design-by-contract assert exception. More...

class  BoundIoFormat
 bind collected formatting information to a value. More...

class  ConfigBuilder
 abstract base class for configuration builders. More...

class  ConfigContext
 context for ConfigParser (empty). More...

class  ConfigEofToken
 token indicating end-of-file. More...

class  ConfigErrorToken
 token indicating an unrecognized token (error). More...

struct  ConfigKeyword
 table containg token code, token string pairs. More...

class  ConfigListBuilder
 Rulbus device list configuration builder. More...

class  ConfigNumberToken
 token that reads and represents an integral or floating point number. More...

class  ConfigParser
 parse a Rulbus configuration file. More...

class  ConfigParser::ParseError
 parser error used internally by ConfigParser. More...

class  ConfigPrinter
 Rulbus configuration printer. More...

class  ConfigScanner
 scan input and return lexical tokens. More...

class  ConfigSpecialToken
 token that reads and represents a special token, like brace and semicolon. More...

class  ConfigStringToken
 token that reads and represents a string. More...

class  ConfigToken
 abstract base class for concrete tokens, like keywords, numbers, strings. More...

class  ConfigWordToken
 token that reads and represents a keyword. More...

class  DbcException
 design-by-contract exception. More...

class  EnsureException
 design-by-contract postcondition exception. More...

class  EppRulbusInterface
 EPP Rulbus Interface. More...

class  IoFormat
 formatting manipulator. More...

class  IsaRulbusInterface
 ISA Rulbus Interface. More...

struct  isEqual
 predicate for apgorithms to compare floating types like Volt, Time and Freq.

class  NeverGetHereException
 design-by-contract never reach this location. More...

class  Pia
 Pia implementation. More...

class  PiaVia
 interface for Pia and Via. More...

class  PportAddresses
 Determine if a parallel port base addresses is valid. More...

class  RB8506_Pia
 dual parallel interface (Pia). More...

class  RB8506_Sifu
 input-output controller box (SIFU). More...

class  RB8506_Via
 dual parallel interface (Via). More...

class  RB8509_Adc12
 8-channel 12-bit ADC (RB8509). More...

class  RB8510_Dac12
 dual 12-bit DAC (RB8510). More...

class  RB8513_timebase
 programmable timebase (RB8513). More...

class  RB8514_delay
 programmable time delay (RB8514). More...

class  RB8515_clock
 clock for delay module RB8514 (RB8515). More...

struct  RB8515_clock::FreqTable
 the frequency--code mapping table. More...

class  RB8905_Adc12
 high speed 12-bit ADC (BF). More...

class  RB9005_amplifier
 . More...

struct  RB9005_amplifier::RegInfo
 < type for gain register masks and shifts

class  RB9603_monochromator
 . More...

class  RequireException
 design-by-contract precondition exception. More...

class  RulbusAddressError
 Rulbus addressing error. More...

class  RulbusCloseError
 Rulbus device close (remove) error. More...

class  RulbusConfigError
 Rulbus configuration file error. More...

class  RulbusContextError
 Rulbus context error. More...

class  RulbusDataError
 Rulbus data error. More...

class  RulbusDevice
 Rulbus device base class, Bridge(151). More...

class  RulbusDeviceFactory
 create Rulbus devices from configuration file; may throw RulbusConfigError. More...

class  RulbusDeviceProxy
 Rulbus device access-protecting proxy. More...

class  RulbusError
 Rulbus errors base class. More...

class  RulbusHandleError
 Rulbus device handle error. More...

class  RulbusInterfaceError
 Rulbus Interface error. More...

class  RulbusInterfaceFactory
 the Rulbus Interface Abstract Factory(87) Singleton(127). More...

class  RulbusOpenError
 Rulbus device open error. More...

class  RulbusParseError
 configuration file parser error. More...

class  RulbusRangeError
 Rulbus parameter range error. More...

class  RulbusScanError
 configuration file scanner error. More...

class  RulbusTimeoutError
 Rulbus timeout error. More...

class  Singleton
 template base class for singleton pattern. More...

class  TheRulbusDeviceList
 the Rulbus device list Singleton(127). More...

class  TheRulbusInterface
 Rulbus Interface abstract base class. More...

class  Via
 Via implementation. More...


typedef AssertionAssertionPtr
typedef const AssertionAssertionCptr
typedef AssertionAssertionRef
typedef const AssertionAssertionCref
typedef DbcExceptionDbcExceptionPtr
typedef const DbcExceptionDbcExceptionCptr
typedef DbcExceptionDbcExceptionRef
typedef const DbcExceptionDbcExceptionCref
typedef RequireExceptionRequireExceptionPtr
typedef const RequireExceptionRequireExceptionCptr
typedef RequireExceptionRequireExceptionRef
typedef const RequireExceptionRequireExceptionCref
typedef EnsureExceptionEnsureExceptionPtr
typedef const EnsureExceptionEnsureExceptionCptr
typedef EnsureExceptionEnsureExceptionRef
typedef const EnsureExceptionEnsureExceptionCref
typedef AssertExceptionAssertExceptionPtr
typedef const AssertExceptionAssertExceptionCptr
typedef AssertExceptionAssertExceptionRef
typedef const AssertExceptionAssertExceptionCref
typedef NeverGetHereExceptionNeverGetHereExceptionPtr
typedef const NeverGetHereExceptionNeverGetHereExceptionCptr
typedef NeverGetHereExceptionNeverGetHereExceptionRef
typedef const NeverGetHereExceptionNeverGetHereExceptionCref
typedef signed char int8
 the compiler's signed 8-bit integral type.

typedef signed char * int8Ptr
typedef const int8int8Cptr
typedef int8int8Ref
typedef const int8int8Cref
typedef unsigned char uInt8
 the compiler's unsigned 8-bit integral type.

typedef unsigned char * uInt8Ptr
typedef const uInt8uInt8Cptr
typedef uInt8uInt8Ref
typedef const uInt8uInt8Cref
typedef signed short int int16
 the compiler's signed 16-bit integral type.

typedef signed short int * int16Ptr
typedef const int16int16Cptr
typedef int16int16Ref
typedef const int16int16Cref
typedef unsigned short int uInt16
 the compiler's unsigned 16-bit integral type.

typedef unsigned short int * uInt16Ptr
typedef const uInt16uInt16Cptr
typedef uInt16uInt16Ref
typedef const uInt16uInt16Cref
typedef signed int int32
 the compiler's signed 32-bit integral type.

typedef signed int * int32Ptr
typedef const int32int32Cptr
typedef int32int32Ref
typedef const int32int32Cref
typedef unsigned int uInt32
 the compiler's unsigned 32-bit integral type.

typedef unsigned int * uInt32Ptr
typedef const uInt32uInt32Cptr
typedef uInt32uInt32Ref
typedef const uInt32uInt32Cref
typedef float float32
 the compiler's 32-bit real type.

typedef float * float32Ptr
typedef const float32float32Cptr
typedef float32float32Ref
typedef const float32float32Cref
typedef double float64
 the compiler's 64-bit real type.

typedef double * float64Ptr
typedef const float64float64Cptr
typedef float64float64Ref
typedef const float64float64Cref
typedef uInt8 Byte
 the libraries' byte type.

typedef uInt8BytePtr
typedef const ByteByteCptr
typedef ByteByteRef
typedef const ByteByteCref
typedef uInt16 Word
 the libraries' word (2-Byte) type.

typedef uInt16WordPtr
typedef const WordWordCptr
typedef WordWordRef
typedef const WordWordCref
typedef uInt32 Quad
 the libraries' double word (4-Byte) type.

typedef uInt32QuadPtr
typedef const QuadQuadCptr
typedef QuadQuadRef
typedef const QuadQuadCref
typedef char Char
 the libraries' character type.

typedef char * CharPtr
typedef const CharCharCptr
typedef CharCharRef
typedef const CharCharCref
typedef int Int
 the libraries' signed integral type.

typedef int * IntPtr
typedef const IntIntCptr
typedef IntIntRef
typedef const IntIntCref
typedef int16 Int16
 the libraries' 16-bit signed integral type.

typedef int16Int16Ptr
typedef const Int16Int16Cptr
typedef Int16Int16Ref
typedef const Int16Int16Cref
typedef int32 Int32
 the libraries' 32-bit signed integral type.

typedef int32Int32Ptr
typedef const Int32Int32Cptr
typedef Int32Int32Ref
typedef const Int32Int32Cref
typedef double Real
 the libraries' real type.

typedef double * RealPtr
typedef const RealRealCptr
typedef RealRealRef
typedef const RealRealCref
typedef float32 Real32
 the libraries' 32-bit real type.

typedef float32Real32Ptr
typedef const Real32Real32Cptr
typedef Real32Real32Ref
typedef const Real32Real32Cref
typedef float64 Real64
 the libraries' 64-bit real type.

typedef float64Real64Ptr
typedef const Real64Real64Cptr
typedef Real64Real64Ref
typedef const Real64Real64Cref
typedef std::string String
 the libraries' string type.

typedef std::string * StringPtr
typedef const StringStringCptr
typedef StringStringRef
typedef const StringStringCref
typedef std::exception StdException
 the std::exception type.

typedef std::exception * StdExceptionPtr
typedef const StdExceptionStdExceptionCptr
typedef StdExceptionStdExceptionRef
typedef const StdExceptionStdExceptionCref
typedef String Name
 the Rulbus device name type.

typedef StringNamePtr
typedef const NameNameCptr
typedef NameNameRef
typedef const NameNameCref
typedef Int Addr
 the Rulbus address type.

typedef IntAddrPtr
typedef const AddrAddrCptr
typedef AddrAddrRef
typedef const AddrAddrCref
typedef Int Rack
 the Rulbus rack number type.

typedef IntRackPtr
typedef const RackRackCptr
typedef RackRackRef
typedef const RackRackCref
typedef Real Volt
 the voltage type.

typedef RealVoltPtr
typedef const VoltVoltCptr
typedef VoltVoltRef
typedef const VoltVoltCref
typedef Real32 Volt32
 the 32-bit voltage type.

typedef Real32Volt32Ptr
typedef const Volt32Volt32Cptr
typedef Volt32Volt32Ref
typedef const Volt32Volt32Cref
typedef Real Time
 the time type.

typedef RealTimePtr
typedef const TimeTimeCptr
typedef TimeTimeRef
typedef const TimeTimeCref
typedef Real Freq
 the frequency type.

typedef RealFreqPtr
typedef const FreqFreqCptr
typedef FreqFreqRef
typedef const FreqFreqCref
typedef Real Length
typedef RealLengthPtr
typedef const Length * LengthCptr
typedef Length & LengthRef
typedef const Length & LengthCref
typedef isEqual< VoltisEqualVolt
 predicate to compare Volt

typedef isEqual< TimeisEqualTime
 predicate to compare Time

typedef isEqual< FreqisEqualFreq
 predicate to compare Freq

typedef ConfigBuilderConfigBuilderPtr
typedef const ConfigBuilderConfigBuilderCptr
typedef ConfigBuilderConfigBuilderRef
typedef const ConfigBuilderConfigBuilderCref
typedef ConfigPrinterConfigPrinterPtr
typedef const ConfigPrinterConfigPrinterCptr
typedef ConfigPrinterConfigPrinterRef
typedef const ConfigPrinterConfigPrinterCref
typedef ConfigListBuilderConfigListBuilderPtr
typedef const ConfigListBuilderConfigListBuilderCptr
typedef ConfigListBuilderConfigListBuilderRef
typedef const ConfigListBuilderConfigListBuilderCref
typedef RulbusDeviceRulbusDevicePtr
typedef const RulbusDeviceRulbusDeviceCptr
typedef RulbusDeviceRulbusDeviceRef
typedef const RulbusDeviceRulbusDeviceCref
typedef RulbusConfigContext * RulbusConfigContextPtr
typedef const RulbusConfigContext * RulbusConfigContextCptr
typedef RulbusConfigContext & RulbusConfigContextRef
typedef const RulbusConfigContext & RulbusConfigContextCref
typedef ConfigParserConfigParserPtr
typedef const ConfigParserConfigParserCptr
typedef ConfigParserConfigParserRef
typedef const ConfigParserConfigParserCref
typedef ConfigScannerConfigScannerPtr
typedef const ConfigScannerConfigScannerCptr
typedef ConfigScannerConfigScannerRef
typedef const ConfigScannerConfigScannerCref
typedef ConfigContextConfigContextPtr
typedef const ConfigContextConfigContextCptr
typedef ConfigContextConfigContextRef
typedef const ConfigContextConfigContextCref
typedef ConfigTokenConfigTokenPtr
typedef const ConfigTokenConfigTokenCptr
typedef ConfigTokenConfigTokenRef
typedef const ConfigTokenConfigTokenCref
typedef EppRulbusInterfaceEppRulbusInterfacePtr
typedef const EppRulbusInterfaceEppRulbusInterfaceCptr
typedef EppRulbusInterfaceEppRulbusInterfaceRef
typedef const EppRulbusInterfaceEppRulbusInterfaceCref
typedef RulbusErrorRulbusErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusErrorRulbusErrorCptr
typedef RulbusErrorRulbusErrorRef
typedef const RulbusErrorRulbusErrorCref
typedef RulbusScanErrorRulbusScanErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusScanErrorRulbusScanErrorCptr
typedef RulbusScanErrorRulbusScanErrorRef
typedef const RulbusScanErrorRulbusScanErrorCref
typedef RulbusParseErrorRulbusParseErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusParseErrorRulbusParseErrorCptr
typedef RulbusParseErrorRulbusParseErrorRef
typedef const RulbusParseErrorRulbusParseErrorCref
typedef RulbusConfigErrorRulbusConfigErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusConfigErrorRulbusConfigErrorCptr
typedef RulbusConfigErrorRulbusConfigErrorRef
typedef const RulbusConfigErrorRulbusConfigErrorCref
typedef RulbusInterfaceErrorRulbusInterfaceErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusInterfaceErrorRulbusInterfaceErrorCptr
typedef RulbusInterfaceErrorRulbusInterfaceErrorRef
typedef const RulbusInterfaceErrorRulbusInterfaceErrorCref
typedef RulbusOpenErrorRulbusOpenErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusOpenErrorRulbusOpenErrorCptr
typedef RulbusOpenErrorRulbusOpenErrorRef
typedef const RulbusOpenErrorRulbusOpenErrorCref
typedef RulbusCloseErrorRulbusCloseErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusCloseErrorRulbusCloseErrorCptr
typedef RulbusCloseErrorRulbusCloseErrorRef
typedef const RulbusCloseErrorRulbusCloseErrorCref
typedef RulbusHandleErrorRulbusHandleErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusHandleErrorRulbusHandleErrorCptr
typedef RulbusHandleErrorRulbusHandleErrorRef
typedef const RulbusHandleErrorRulbusHandleErrorCref
typedef RulbusAddressErrorRulbusAddressErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusAddressErrorRulbusAddressErrorCptr
typedef RulbusAddressErrorRulbusAddressErrorRef
typedef const RulbusAddressErrorRulbusAddressErrorCref
typedef RulbusRangeErrorRulbusRangeErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusRangeErrorRulbusRangeErrorCptr
typedef RulbusRangeErrorRulbusRangeErrorRef
typedef const RulbusRangeErrorRulbusRangeErrorCref
typedef RulbusContextErrorRulbusContextErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusContextErrorRulbusContextErrorCptr
typedef RulbusContextErrorRulbusContextErrorRef
typedef const RulbusContextErrorRulbusContextErrorCref
typedef RulbusTimeoutErrorRulbusTimeoutErrorPtr
typedef const RulbusTimeoutErrorRulbusTimeoutErrorCptr
typedef RulbusTimeoutErrorRulbusTimeoutErrorRef
typedef const RulbusTimeoutErrorRulbusTimeoutErrorCref
typedef IsaRulbusInterfaceIsaRulbusInterfacePtr
typedef const IsaRulbusInterfaceIsaRulbusInterfaceCptr
typedef IsaRulbusInterfaceIsaRulbusInterfaceRef
typedef const IsaRulbusInterfaceIsaRulbusInterfaceCref
typedef PiaPiaPtr
typedef const PiaPiaCptr
typedef PiaPiaRef
typedef const PiaPiaCref
typedef ViaViaPtr
typedef const ViaViaCptr
typedef ViaViaRef
typedef const ViaViaCref
typedef PiaViaPiaViaPtr
typedef const PiaViaPiaViaCptr
typedef PiaViaPiaViaRef
typedef const PiaViaPiaViaCref
typedef RB8506_PiaRB8506_PiaPtr
typedef const RB8506_PiaRB8506_PiaCptr
typedef RB8506_PiaRB8506_PiaRef
typedef const RB8506_PiaRB8506_PiaCref
typedef RB8506_ViaRB8506_ViaPtr
typedef const RB8506_ViaRB8506_ViaCptr
typedef RB8506_ViaRB8506_ViaRef
typedef const RB8506_ViaRB8506_ViaCref
typedef PiaVia RB8506_PiaVia
typedef PiaViaRB8506_PiaViaPtr
typedef const RB8506_PiaViaRB8506_PiaViaCptr
typedef RB8506_PiaViaRB8506_PiaViaRef
typedef const RB8506_PiaViaRB8506_PiaViaCref
typedef RB8506_SifuRB8506_SifuPtr
typedef const RB8506_SifuRB8506_SifuCptr
typedef RB8506_SifuRB8506_SifuRef
typedef const RB8506_SifuRB8506_SifuCref
typedef RB8509_Adc12RB8509_Adc12Ptr
typedef const RB8509_Adc12RB8509_Adc12Cptr
typedef RB8509_Adc12RB8509_Adc12Ref
typedef const RB8509_Adc12RB8509_Adc12Cref
typedef RB8510_Dac12RB8510_Dac12Ptr
typedef const RB8510_Dac12RB8510_Dac12Cptr
typedef RB8510_Dac12RB8510_Dac12Ref
typedef const RB8510_Dac12RB8510_Dac12Cref
typedef RB8513_timebaseRB8513_timebasePtr
typedef const RB8513_timebaseRB8513_timebaseCptr
typedef RB8513_timebaseRB8513_timebaseRef
typedef const RB8513_timebaseRB8513_timebaseCref
typedef RB8514_delayRB8514_delayPtr
typedef const RB8514_delayRB8514_delayCptr
typedef RB8514_delayRB8514_delayRef
typedef const RB8514_delayRB8514_delayCref
typedef RB8515_clockRB8515_clockPtr
typedef const RB8515_clockRB8515_clockCptr
typedef RB8515_clockRB8515_clockRef
typedef const RB8515_clockRB8515_clockCref
typedef RB8905_Adc12RB8905_Adc12Ptr
typedef const RB8905_Adc12RB8905_Adc12Cptr
typedef RB8905_Adc12RB8905_Adc12Ref
typedef const RB8905_Adc12RB8905_Adc12Cref
typedef RB9005_amplifierRB9005_amplifierPtr
typedef const RB9005_amplifierRB9005_amplifierCptr
typedef RB9005_amplifierRB9005_amplifierRef
typedef const RB9005_amplifierRB9005_amplifierCref
typedef RB9603_monochromatorRB9603_monochromatorPtr
typedef const RB9603_monochromatorRB9603_monochromatorCptr
typedef RB9603_monochromatorRB9603_monochromatorRef
typedef const RB9603_monochromatorRB9603_monochromatorCref
typedef TheRulbusInterfaceTheRulbusInterfacePtr
typedef const TheRulbusInterfaceTheRulbusInterfaceCptr
typedef TheRulbusInterfaceTheRulbusInterfaceRef
typedef const TheRulbusInterfaceTheRulbusInterfaceCref
typedef RulbusDeviceFactoryRulbusDeviceFactoryPtr
typedef const RulbusDeviceFactoryRulbusDeviceFactoryCptr
typedef RulbusDeviceFactoryRulbusDeviceFactoryRef
typedef const RulbusDeviceFactoryRulbusDeviceFactoryCref
typedef TheRulbusDeviceListTheRulbusDeviceListPtr
typedef const TheRulbusDeviceListTheRulbusDeviceListCptr
typedef TheRulbusDeviceListTheRulbusDeviceListRef
typedef const TheRulbusDeviceListTheRulbusDeviceListCref
typedef std::vector< RulbusDevicePtrList
 the implementation list type

typedef RulbusDeviceProxyRulbusDeviceProxyPtr
typedef const RulbusDeviceProxyRulbusDeviceProxyCptr
typedef RulbusDeviceProxyRulbusDeviceProxyRef
typedef const RulbusDeviceProxyRulbusDeviceProxyCref
typedef RulbusInterfaceFactoryRulbusInterfaceFactoryPtr
typedef const RulbusInterfaceFactoryRulbusInterfaceFactoryCptr
typedef RulbusInterfaceFactoryRulbusInterfaceFactoryRef
typedef const RulbusInterfaceFactoryRulbusInterfaceFactoryCref


bool eq (Real lhs, Real rhs)
 true if two Real values are equal.

int isletter (char chr)
 predicate for characters that can start a word.

int isnumeric (char chr)
 predicate for characters that can start a number.

int isspecial (char chr)
 predicate for characters that are special.

int isquote (char chr)
 predicate for characters that can start a string.

int kwcmp (const void *a, const void *b)
 compare the strings of two keyword table entries.

int backslash (int c)
 return character for escape sequence.

String fmtstring (String s, size_t maxlen)
 clip string if necessay, indicate clip with ... .

short inp (unsigned short port)
 read a byte from an input-output port

short outp (unsigned short port, unsigned char value)
 write a byte to an input-output port.

bool openIO (long base, int len)
 open port input-output address range on Windows NT type operating systems using CanIO. CanIO consists of canio.dll and canio.sys. openIO() first dynamically loads canio.dll and then calls AddMultiPort() to provide access to the requested input-output range.

String to_string (Real x, Int ndec)
 convert Real to string, default number of digits 7.

String to_string_pfx (Int n, Int radix, Int width)
 convert long integer to string with radix prefix, default base 10.

String to_string (long n, Int radix, Int width, Char fillchar)
 convert long integer to string without radix prefix, default base 10.

Real to_real (String aString)
 convert String to Real.

Int to_int (String aString)
 convert String to integer.

Int to_bcd (Int aBinaryValue)
 convert binary value to bcd value.

CharCptr to_cstr (const String &s)
 convert String to c-string.

template<typename T> std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Rulbus::BoundIoFormat< T > &bf)
 write <format, value> tuple to output stream.

PiaViaRef to_rb8506 (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast.

PiaViaPtr to_rb8506_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB8506_PiaRef to_rb8506_pia (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast.

RB8506_PiaPtr to_rb8506_pia_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB8506_ViaRef to_rb8506_via (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast.

RB8506_ViaPtr to_rb8506_via_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB8506_SifuRef to_rb8506_sifu (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast exception.

RB8506_SifuPtr to_rb8506_sifu_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB8509_Adc12Ref to_rb8509 (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast exception.

RB8509_Adc12Ptr to_rb8509_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB8510_Dac12Ref to_rb8510 (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast.

RB8510_Dac12Ptr to_rb8510_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB8513_timebaseRef to_rb8513 (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast.

RB8513_timebasePtr to_rb8513_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB8514_delayRef to_rb8514 (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast exception.

RB8514_delayPtr to_rb8514_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB8515_clockRef to_rb8515 (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast.

RB8515_clockPtr to_rb8515_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB8905_Adc12Ref to_rb8905 (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast exception.

RB8905_Adc12Ptr to_rb8905_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB9005_amplifierRef to_rb9005 (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast exception.

RB9005_amplifierPtr to_rb9005_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RB9603_monochromatorRef to_rb9603 (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast exception.

RB9603_monochromatorPtr to_rb9603_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

RulbusDeviceRef to_rb (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may throw bad_cast.

RulbusDevicePtr to_rb_ptr (RulbusDevicePtr p)
 conversion shim; may return 0.

template<typename T> T to (RulbusDeviceProxyRef proxy)
 conversion shim.

String to_string (int n, Int radix=10, Int width=0, Char fillchar= ' ')
 convert integer to string without radix prefix, default base 10.

String to_string2 (Int n)
 convert long integer to string, base 2, without radix prefix.

String to_string8 (Int n)
 convert long integer to string, base 8, without radix prefix.

String to_string16 (Int n)
 convert long integer to string, base 16, without radix prefix.


const int CTRL_Z = 0x1A
Rulbus::ConfigKeyword kwTable []
 table containg token code, token string pairs.

Variable Documentation

struct Rulbus::ConfigKeyword kwTable[] [static]

ConfigScanner uses a ConfigKeyword table to look up the the keywords that can appear in a Rulbus configuration file.

Generated on Tue Oct 12 14:12:03 2004 for Rulbus Device Class Library for Microsoft Windows by doxygen 1.3.4